All Dental Checkups Include an Oral and Pharyngeal Cancer Screening

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Maintaining good oral health involves several different aspects. Beyond brushing and flossing your teeth each day, your regular dental checkup at Lodo Dental will clean your teeth and allow our team to monitor the overall health of your mouth. This also includes a screening for oral and pharyngeal cancer.

Detecting oral and pharyngeal cancer significantly improves your chances of treatment success.

The American Dental Association estimated that each year one in 92 adults are diagnosed with some form of oral or pharyngeal cancer. The average age of diagnosis is 62, yet increased risk factors, such as tobacco use and alcohol abuse, increase your chances of developing oral cancer at a younger age. A family history of oral and pharyngeal can also be a significant factor to note.

Dr. Furuta and Dr. Fox will perform the cancer screening at the end of your routine dental checkup. This involves an examination of your tongue, throat, face, and neck for any swelling or abnormal discoloration. Be sure to let her know about any increased risk factors for oral cancer.

If your dentist sees any potential signs of oral or pharyngeal cancer, she will refer you to a specialist for specific diagnosis and treatment.

If you have concerns about oral or pharyngeal cancer in Denver, Colorado, you should call 303-623-5636 to schedule a checkup and screening at Lodo Dental.

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