What Do You Know About Flossing? Find Out With This Flossing Quiz

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Our dentist, Dr. Furuta and Dr. Fox, recommends learning all you can about oral hygiene so that you be equipped with the techniques that can help you care for and clean your smile. The more you know, the better. So, our dental team would like to see how much you know about flossing by encouraging you to take our flossing quiz. Who knows, maybe you’ll even learn something new!

1. How many times a day should you floss?
A. Never
B. Once
C. Twice

2. Why is it important to floss?
A. Flossing removes plaque and bacteria from between your teeth
B. Flossing improves your breath
C. Flossing helps prevent dental issues
D. Both A and C

3. What flossing product should you use to clean your smile?
A. Waxed floss that has been approved by the ADA
B. Unwaxed floss that has been approved by the ADA
C. Dental tape that has been approved by the ADA
D. Flossing picks that have been approved by the ADA
E. Any of the above

4. Is it better to floss with a Water Flosser than with traditional dental floss?
A. Yes, Water Flossers thoroughly clean the teeth while traditional floss doesn’t
B. No, traditional floss is more effective at removing plaque from between the teeth

5. When is the best time to floss your smile?
A. In the morning
B. Before bed
C. Before bed, but if that’s not possible, any time works
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


1. B
2. D
3. E
4. B
5. C

To learn more about flossing in Denver, Colorado, or to ask our dental team questions, we encourage you to call Lodo Dental at 303-623-5636 today. We are here to help you in any way we can, and we are more than happy to give you the answers and information you’re looking for!

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